Drainage Systems in Canton Massillon Ohio

Poor drainage is one of the more frequent problems with lawns we encounter. Whether the drainage was improperly designed when the terrain was excavated, or erosion has taken its toll; leaving a problem like this go unrealized can lead to more than lawn problems. In fact, it's the leading cause of foundation damage in homes today.

Curtain Drain Drainage System Image coming soon...
Drainage systems can be tailor-made to fit your landscapes profile.

There are several systems we are qualified to install, and each are done with as much consideration as possible. Perhaps the most common of them all is a curtain drain (more commonly known as a French Drain). Installation of a curtain drain consists of digging trenches systematically across your lawn. Each of these trenches hold a PVC pipe with holes large enough to allow the entry of water. The pipes are then routed to a perpendicular PVC pipe, which carries the collected water to its designated location.

Another common drainage solution is adjustment of the underlying fill material. If your soil has a high sand or clay content, we can add gravel and stone to improve the area's drainage. Although this method is not as practical as a curtain drain, it is an option.
